
NIG course for Zebrafish Imaging and Transgenesis 2015

NIG course for Zebrafish Imaging and Transgenesis was held at National Institute of Genetics (NIG) in Mishima, Japan dur...
Visual stimulus presentation

A movie theater for zebrafish larvae under the microscope

There could be several ways to give visual stimuli to zebrafish. Using a LCD display, an OLED display, a projector, and ...
Visual stimulus presentation

Making of a recording chamber: A TV theater for zebrafish larvae

At DAISO (a 100-yen shop / one-dollar shop), I found a small collection box (approx. 6 cm x 6 cm x 5 cm height)  that ca...
Objective lenses

40x Water dipping objective lenses ~ How deep can you go?

I had an opportunity to use water dipping objective lenses from different manufacturers and was surprised to learn that ...

Real-Time Visualization of Neuronal Activity during Perception (Current Biology 2013)

Neuronal Activity during Visual Perception 脳に映る視覚世界をリアルタイムで観察 Tectal responses during perception of a swimming para...
Bubble capture behavior

Bubble capture behavioral assay

I recorded a single larva for a long time (three hours) for the first time to see how behavior changes over time. The be...