
  1. Administrative Science Quarterly IF11.113  計算式:Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (304) + 2019 (285) / Number of citable items in 2018 (25) + 2019 (28) = 589 / 53 = 11.113 理論的な考察が不可欠 掲載論文数が少ない。。
  2. RESEARCH POLICY (Elsevier) IF = 9.473 = Citations in 2021 to items published in 2019 (2,151) + 2020 (994) / Number of citable items in 2019 (192) + 2020 (140)  ランキングCATEGORY: MANAGEMENT 16/391 464 days Submission to acceptance 出版まで464日かかる
  3. Implementation Science (BMC/Springer Nature) 2-year Impact Factor=7.327
    1. Research funder required research partnerships: a qualitative inquiry 
  4. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory IF 7.000 =Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (310) + 2019 (194) = Number of citable items in 2018 (35) + 2019 (37
  5. Academic Medicine (Acad Med) IF: 6.893=Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (1,582) + 2019 (1,251) = Number of citable items in 2018 (196) + 2019 (215) Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) トピック:education and training issues; health and science policy; institutional policy, management, and values; research practice;
  6. International Journal of Health Policy and Management (IJHPM) IF = 5.007 Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (472) + 2019 (264) / Number of citable items in 2018 (94) + 2019 (53) = 736 / 147 = 5.007 
  7. Publications (MDPI) IF=4.6
  8. Research & Politics (SAGE) IF=4.357
  9. Work, Employment and Society (SAGE) Impact Factor = 4.249 論文掲載例:Just ‘non-academics’?: Research administrators and contested occupational identity.
  10. Public Administration Impact factor (2021):4.013 1923年創刊
  11. Educational Administration Quarterly IF=4.000 計算式 Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (131) + 2019 (69) / Number of citable items in 2018 (26) + 2019 (24)   = 200 / 50 = 4.000  
  12. Higher Education IF=3.6 (2023) 高等教育の理論と実践。研究管理や政策も。
    1. The ‘Quality Myth’: Promoting and Hindering Conditions for Acquiring Research Funds G. Laudel · 2006年10月1日
  13. PLOS ONE IF=3.240  = Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (67,306) + 2019 (40,202) / Number of citable items in 2018 (17,879) + 2019 (15,304)  質的研究も受け付ける。招待以外ではレビュー論文は受付ていない。 
  14. International Review of Administrative Sciences IF=3.094  Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (144) + 2019 (119) / Number of citable items in 2018 (42) + 2019 (43) = 263 / 85  = 3.094
  15. Administrative Sciences (MDPI) IF=3.0 レビュー論文も可 
  16. Research Evaluation IF=2.9 研究評価、研究管理、科学政策 
  17. Science and Public Policy IF = 2.725 = Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (251) + 2019 (155) / Number of citable items in 2018 (73) + 2019 (76) . IF=2.087(2021)
  18. Political Research Quarterly (SAGEジャーナル) IF=2.531
  19. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (Taylor and Francis) IF=2.7 (2023)  81 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision, 7% acceptance rate 
  20. Frontiers in Education IF=1.9
    1. Professionalization of science management—Comparing formal education and training across Germany, Poland, and Hungary https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/education/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.886173/full
  21. —————————————————————————————
  22. Administration & Society(SAGEジャーナル) public and human service organizations, their administrative processes, and their effect on society
  23. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management JCIランキングMANAGEMENT151位/384
  24. Journal of Management (SAGE)
  25. Journal of Research Administration Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI)会誌 年4回。MANAGEMENT部門のJCIでのランキング:352位/384 インパクトファクター無し
  27. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics (Frontiersグループ誌)IF無し
  28. Implementation Science Communications (BMC/Springer Nature) 2020年2月創刊 PubMED収載 IF無し
  29. International Journal of Institutional Research and Management http://www.iaiai.org/journals/index.php/IJIRM/index 日本の学会の英文雑誌。
  30. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (ELSEVIER) Scopus収載 IF無し
  31. Journal of Management Science and Engineering(中国の雑誌)IF無し
  32. Journal of Management Studies (Wilely) 1963創刊 Scopus収載 IF無し
  33. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education 高等教育における実践(プラクシス)
    1. The work of university research administrators: Praxis and professionalization https://journals.hb.se/jphe/article/view/67
  34. Journal of Policy Practice and Research (Springer) policy practice, macro-social work practice, community practice, social policy, social policy analysis, the creation and administration of social policy and programs
  35. Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences  インパクトファクター無し
  36.  Journal of Science Policy and Governance  is an interdisciplinary peer-review publication managed by a team of volunteers and an editorial board comprised of graduate students and young scholars across the U.S. and around the world. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/sciencepolicy/links/journal-science-policy-and-governance 大学院生が運営。ポジションペーパーも掲載。
  37. Management Science https://pubsonline.informs.org/journal/mnsc
  38. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education UKの諸問題を扱う雑誌https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tpsp20 Research-driven articles – of up to 4500 words, typically a research study or literature review; Practitioner case studies – of up to 2500 words, typically an institutional project, or reflective commentary.
  39. Public Administration (Wiley)IF無し
  40. Research Management Review  the scholarly journal for the National Council of University Research Administratorshttps://www.ncura.edu/publications/researchmanagementreview.aspx
  41. Frontiers in Pharmacology IF=5.6
    1. Building our research administrator workforce as our clinical and translational research programs become increasingly complex Front. Pharmacol., 24 October 2023 Volume 14 – 2023 特集号リサーチトピック「Building the Clinical Research Workforce: Challenges, Capacities and Competencies」 https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2023.1295255 