- Administrative Science Quarterly IF=11.113 計算式:Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (304) + 2019 (285) / Number of citable items in 2018 (25) + 2019 (28) = 589 / 53 = 11.113 理論的な考察が不可欠 掲載論文数が少ない。。
- RESEARCH POLICY (Elsevier) IF = 9.473 = Citations in 2021 to items published in 2019 (2,151) + 2020 (994) / Number of citable items in 2019 (192) + 2020 (140) ランキングCATEGORY: MANAGEMENT 16/391 464 days Submission to acceptance 出版まで464日かかる
- Implementation Science (BMC/Springer Nature) 2-year Impact Factor=7.327
- Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory IF 7.000 =Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (310) + 2019 (194) = Number of citable items in 2018 (35) + 2019 (37)
- Academic Medicine (Acad Med) IF: 6.893=Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (1,582) + 2019 (1,251) = Number of citable items in 2018 (196) + 2019 (215) Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) トピック:education and training issues; health and science policy; institutional policy, management, and values; research practice;
- International Journal of Health Policy and Management (IJHPM) IF = 5.007 Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (472) + 2019 (264) / Number of citable items in 2018 (94) + 2019 (53) = 736 / 147 = 5.007
- Publications (MDPI) IF=4.6
- Research & Politics (SAGE) IF=4.357
- Work, Employment and Society (SAGE) Impact Factor = 4.249 論文掲載例:Just ‘non-academics’?: Research administrators and contested occupational identity.
- Public Administration Impact factor (2021):4.013 1923年創刊
- Educational Administration Quarterly IF=4.000 計算式 Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (131) + 2019 (69) / Number of citable items in 2018 (26) + 2019 (24) = 200 / 50 = 4.000
- Higher Education IF=3.6 (2023) 高等教育の理論と実践。研究管理や政策も。
- The ‘Quality Myth’: Promoting and Hindering Conditions for Acquiring Research Funds G. Laudel · 2006年10月1日
- PLOS ONE IF=3.240 = Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (67,306) + 2019 (40,202) / Number of citable items in 2018 (17,879) + 2019 (15,304) 質的研究も受け付ける。招待以外ではレビュー論文は受付ていない。
- International Review of Administrative Sciences IF=3.094 Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (144) + 2019 (119) / Number of citable items in 2018 (42) + 2019 (43) = 263 / 85 = 3.094
- Administrative Sciences (MDPI) IF=3.0 レビュー論文も可
- Research Evaluation IF=2.9 研究評価、研究管理、科学政策
- Science and Public Policy IF = 2.725 = Citations in 2020 to items published in 2018 (251) + 2019 (155) / Number of citable items in 2018 (73) + 2019 (76) . IF=2.087(2021)
- Political Research Quarterly (SAGEジャーナル) IF=2.531
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (Taylor and Francis) IF=2.7 (2023) 81 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision, 7% acceptance rate
- Frontiers in Education IF=1.9
- Professionalization of science management—Comparing formal education and training across Germany, Poland, and Hungary https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/education/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.886173/full
- —————————————————————————————
- Administration & Society(SAGEジャーナル) public and human service organizations, their administrative processes, and their effect on society
- Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management JCIランキングMANAGEMENT151位/384
- Journal of Management (SAGE)
- Journal of Research Administration Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI)会誌 年4回。MANAGEMENT部門のJCIでのランキング:352位/384誌 インパクトファクター無し
- Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics (Frontiersグループ誌)IF無し
- Implementation Science Communications (BMC/Springer Nature) 2020年2月創刊 PubMED収載 IF無し
- International Journal of Institutional Research and Management http://www.iaiai.org/journals/index.php/IJIRM/index 日本の学会の英文雑誌。
- Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (ELSEVIER) Scopus収載 IF無し
- Journal of Management Science and Engineering(中国の雑誌)IF無し
- Journal of Management Studies (Wilely) 1963創刊 Scopus収載 IF無し
- Journal of Praxis in Higher Education 高等教育における実践(プラクシス)
- The work of university research administrators: Praxis and professionalization https://journals.hb.se/jphe/article/view/67
- Journal of Policy Practice and Research (Springer) policy practice, macro-social work practice, community practice, social policy, social policy analysis, the creation and administration of social policy and programs
- Journal of Research in Administrative Sciences インパクトファクター無し
- Journal of Science Policy and Governance is an interdisciplinary peer-review publication managed by a team of volunteers and an editorial board comprised of graduate students and young scholars across the U.S. and around the world. https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/sciencepolicy/links/journal-science-policy-and-governance 大学院生が運営。ポジションペーパーも掲載。
- Management Science https://pubsonline.informs.org/journal/mnsc
- Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education UKの諸問題を扱う雑誌https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tpsp20 Research-driven articles – of up to 4500 words, typically a research study or literature review; Practitioner case studies – of up to 2500 words, typically an institutional project, or reflective commentary.
- Public Administration (Wiley)IF無し
- Research Management Review the scholarly journal for the National Council of University Research Administratorshttps://www.ncura.edu/publications/researchmanagementreview.aspx
- Frontiers in Pharmacology IF=5.6
- Building our research administrator workforce as our clinical and translational research programs become increasingly complex Front. Pharmacol., 24 October 2023 Volume 14 – 2023 特集号リサーチトピック「Building the Clinical Research Workforce: Challenges, Capacities and Competencies」 https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2023.1295255