Behavioral recording Behavioral recording of zebrafish larvae in a multiwell plate When we record from many zebrafish larvae in multi-wells, the wall of the wells may hide the larvae. This problem can be... 2017.10.24 Behavioral recording
Laser ablation Ablation of a subpopulation of neurons using a two-photon laser A pretectal nucleus (nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars magnocellularis, or PSm) was laser ablated bilaterally using... 2017.10.17 Laser ablation
Image registration Navigation in zebrafish larvae Zebrafish larva and paramecia File:20140912 165201 Recording: Navigation in a small chamber (20 mm diameter) w... 2017.04.26 Image registration
Publication “Activation of the hypothalamic feeding centre upon visual prey detection” published in Nature Communications Our latest paper on prey capture, "Activation of the hypothalamic feeding centre upon visual prey detection" was publis... 2017.04.22 Publication
Lab pictures Zebrafish pictures All the following pictures can be used under CC BY 4.0. Credit should be given to the National Institute of Genetics (©... 2017.02.28 Lab pictures
prey capture Activation of the hypothalamic feeding centre upon visual prey detection I uploaded a submitted manuscript onto the BioRxiv and some of the supplementary movies on Youtube. Akira Muto, Prade... 2017.02.18 prey capturePublication
Batch processing How to read Hamamatsu Photonics CXD files in ImageJ and save them as TIFF files automatically I am using Hamamatsu Photonics ORCA Flash 4.0 with the accompanied image acquisition software, HCImage. After time-lapse... 2016.09.16 Batch processingImageJ Macors
National Instruments LabVIEW NI-IMAQdx missing in the function palette I thought I installed everything needed for camera control but I found that NI-IMAQdx subVIs were missing in the functio... 2016.02.05 National Instruments LabVIEW
ImageJ Macors Prey capture assay for zebrafish larvae ~ Counting the number of the paramecia To quantitatively describe the ability of prey capture in zebrafish larvae, I need to count the number of paramecia cons... 2015.08.30 ImageJ Macorsprey capture
ImageJ Prey capture assay for zebrafish larvae ~ The lighting system To understand how a sensory input leads to a particular behavioral output, we are studying prey capture behavior in zebr... 2015.08.19 ImageJLighting
Batch processing Batch processing of behavioral data ~ How to anlyze locations of individual animals In behavioral studies, we want to analyze the locomotion. If we work on a single individual, we can easily obtain the po... 2015.08.18 Batch processingImageJ MacorsLocomotion
Publication Motionless prey is invisible to predators We visualized neuronal activity in the optic tectum of a zebrafish larva during prey perception. A moving paramecium evo... 2015.08.15 Publication
Zebrafish ethogram zebrafish larvae as a model system for the study of cognitive functions Zebrafish larvae capture a small object. This is a very interesting behavior because it consists of several neural proce... 2015.08.15 Zebrafish ethogram
ImageJ How to make a background image in the presence of the larva Sometimes I need to put zebrafish larva in the recording chamber from the beginning of a recording and still want a back... 2015.08.12 ImageJ
Image registration Image registration with TurboReg in ImageJ During the time-lapse recording, the zebrafish larvae often make movements even in the agarose. Therefore, we need to r... 2015.08.11 Image registrationImageJ
ImageJ How to make a graph of the calcium signals from multiple neurons using ImageJ (Fiji) and Excel Here is what I would do to plot calcium signals from multiple neurons after time-lapse imaging. The brain images (GCaMP ... 2015.08.09 ImageJ
未分類 NIG course for Zebrafish Imaging and Transgenesis 2015 NIG course for Zebrafish Imaging and Transgenesis was held at National Institute of Genetics (NIG) in Mishima, Japan dur... 2015.08.09 未分類
Visual stimulus presentation A movie theater for zebrafish larvae under the microscope There could be several ways to give visual stimuli to zebrafish. Using a LCD display, an OLED display, a projector, and ... 2015.08.09 Visual stimulus presentation
Visual stimulus presentation Making of a recording chamber: A TV theater for zebrafish larvae At DAISO (a 100-yen shop / one-dollar shop), I found a small collection box (approx. 6 cm x 6 cm x 5 cm height) that ca... 2015.08.08 Visual stimulus presentation
Objective lenses 40x Water dipping objective lenses ~ How deep can you go? I had an opportunity to use water dipping objective lenses from different manufacturers and was surprised to learn that ... 2015.08.08 Objective lenses